WellSprings Live Concert Recap

WellSprings Live Concert Recap

On Sunday, June 27th, our congregation gathered together in person for the first time since March, 2020. Our band played a selection of our favorite songs, as community members gathered beneath shady trees to watch the show.

You can watch the show too! Click here to access a recording of our livestream.

Our two ministers addressed the congregation in person for the first time in 15+ months. Rev. Lee rededicated our gathering space, and Rev. Ken led us in a mindfulness exercise.

Since we’ve all lived through an extraordinary time, we featured a “Ribbons to Remember” project. Congregants were invited to write joys and sorrows, hopes and remembrances on ribbons, and add them to our display, creating a meaningful work of art.

Children had the opportunity to gather once again as well. Activities included decorating boxes for local food banks, and learning some cool Rubik’s Cube tricks from our young resident “speed cuber.”

Thank you, WellSprings, for an amazing event. We can’t wait to see you again at in-person services beginning in September.