'YouthSpirit Mentors Team' Tagged Posts

'YouthSpirit Mentors Team' Tagged Posts

Our May Message Series: The Muppet Theory of Everything

In 2012, a writer for Slate magazine made a provocative suggestion… that everyone in the world can be classified into one of two categories: Order Muppets, and Chaos Muppets. Order Muppets (think Bert, Kermit, Sam the Eagle) keep things organized and on track, while Chaos Muppets (Ernie, Cookie Monster, Gonzo) bring big bursts of energy and creativity. The world needs both in balance, of course – some of the oldest wisdom stories are about finding ways to resolve that eternal…

Two MLK Day of Service Opportunities this Sunday

This Sunday, there are two opportunities to engage in a day of service in honor of MLK day: Warm Clothing Collection Once again, members of the HeartWorks Team we will be traveling to Philadelphia to provide unhoused persons with warm clothing on Sunday, January 15th. HeartWorks is collecting the following: All items can be dropped off at the HeartWorks Table during Sunday Service. Interested in volunteering to help to help with the dropoff? Contact Sandy Tucker. Children’s Book Collection Do…

This Year, at WellSprings…

We’re kicking off a new congregational year! Read below to get a taste of our themes for worship – and for faith formation for all ages – in the year ahead: American Idols our Fall Message Series Many religious traditions include warnings against idolatry: the worship of something mortal, or inanimate, as though it were the most powerful thing in the universe – as if that thing was God, itself. What have we made idols of, today? Each week, we’ll…

A New Year of Family Faith Development: A Note From Miss Carol

Every fall at WellSprings, we look forward to the return of our families to Bell Hall, and the return of their 5-12 year old kiddos to YouthSpirit.  It’s been an unpredictable couple of years, hasn’t it?  But YouthSpirit is ready to “WellCome” back friends to our weekly programming on September 18th.  Currently staffed by our two volunteer helpers, a youth helper, and an assistant, our team may be small, but our energy is big!  For now, we’ll meet in one…

Easter Sunday at WellSprings

This Sunday, we hope you can join us, either in-person or online, for our annual Easter Service. If you haven’t yet joined us for a service in Bell Hall, here is an FAQ to let you know what things are like these days. If you plan to join us online, here is the link to our YouTube livestream for Easter.During service, kids can expect a YouthSpirit Easter Egg hunt with a slight twist this year: less candy, but a small mystery to solve…

Fall Fun in YouthSpirit

We had a perfect day for a return to in-person YouthSpirit this past Sunday! Friends showed up ready to re-connect, so we organized an ice-breaker, a walk in the woods, and some card-making for the Helping Hands service project. For this coming Sunday, 10/31, friends are welcome to come in their Halloween costumes! You can register your kids for YouthSpirit at this link.

We Are Hiring!

WellSprings has two open positions to fill, for the year ahead! Do you know someone looking for a few hours of work each week, on Sunday mornings? Both of these roles involve engaging with our congregation’s children, and are ideal for a responsible older teen, college or grad student, or anyone who’d like to generate some part-time income. Please feel free to share within your own networks, to help us find great candidates! YouthSpirit Assistant Responsibilities: Support small group program…

Send Us A Shout!

Summer is here, which means WellSprings youth and WellSpringers of all ages have many opportunities to get outside and have fun. While our kids aren’t connecting in person right now, we are still doing a lot to keep kids connected. Our YouthSpirit Meetings happen every Sunday at 9 am, our Teen Game Nights happen a few times every month, and we recently offered a Netflix watch party for a Spiritflix family feature. And we still hold space for our young…

Gifts for Chester County Futures’ Grads

Despite graduations postponed and senior years disrupted, our long time community partner, Chester County Futures (CCF), has continued to provide services to teens in our community. As part of this ongoing initiative, CCF planned to deliver a gift filled with goodies to each graduating senior, as they move on to their next endeavors. Our goal was twofold: 1. Provide every CCF senior (that’s 47 young adults) with a $20 gift card.2. Provide every CCF senior with a handmade graduation card.…

YouthSpirit Holiday Treats Project for Chester County Futures

Just before the holidays, YouthSpirit kids assembled 220 Holiday Treat Bags for students and faculty at Chester County Futures. Donations were kindly made by WellSprings in the weeks prior. Each bag was then lovingly filled with a candy cane, hot chocolate, mini-marshmallows, and a hand-written or hand-drawn note. We recently received some great photographs of smiling students with their treat-bags. Thank you to WellSprings kids and adults alike for bringing some holiday cheer to CCF and making these smiles possible.

Ways to Work With WellSprings Youth

Serve to connect youth, families and the whole of WellSprings YouthBridge Core Ministry – join this new, tentatively-named core ministry to create new connections and opportunities for all WellSprings children, ages 0-17, their families, and our congregation, to grow together.  Expected to meet monthly or more. Foster Teen Connection Teen Group – our fledging teen group currently meets several times a year for social or service opportunities.  Past outings have included escape rooms, indoor obstacle courses, and game night.  We…