'Stewardship Ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'Stewardship Ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

End of Year Ask from the Generosity & Gratitude Ministry

As this unprecedented year nears its end, the Generosity and Gratitude Ministry would like to know: What are you grateful for at WellSprings?  Here’s what we’re asking:  Answer the question. Take your answer and compress it down to a quick 5-second answer. Record what you’re grateful for about WellSprings as video. It would be best if you did it in landscape mode, so the video is horizontal, but we’ll accept vertical videos, too. And in your delivery, give it a little…

Celebrating our Resilience, and Planning for the Rest of the Year

Greetings from the Generosity & Gratitude Ministry, This has been quite a season at WellSprings, as we’re sure it’s been for you, too. Sometimes it helps to take stock of all we’ve done, and recognize just how much we have to be grateful for—our adaptability, our tenacity, and our care for each other—amidst it all. Take a moment, if you’d like, to do that for yourself today. Make a list, and let yourself be grateful and astonished by it. What…
WellSprings at Good Neighbor Day

Thank You For Your Generosity in 2019

The Generosity & Gratitude Ministry team wants to take this time to say a profound thank you to everyone. Your generosity has made a lot possible this year, including: New staff positions — Helen, our YouthSpirit Assistant, and Jessica, our Membership & Communications Coordinator. Minister Rev. Lee moving to full-time. More involvement in our local community through many HeartWorks drives, participation at Downingtown Good Neighbor Day, and through Interfaith Action Community, to name just a few ways. More programming for our teens this…
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