'Spiritual Development Ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'Spiritual Development Ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Get Centered this Spring With Mindful Meditation

This Spring, we’re thrilled to offer this relaxing and centering small group workshop. Whether you’re brand new to mindful meditation, or if you’ve been practicing for years, this group is for you. Through discussion and practice, participants will explore mindfulness of the breath, body, emotions and thoughts. We will also concentrate on heart practices and bringing your practice out into the world.  This SpringBoard will take place Mondays at 7 pm via Zoom, March 6th through April 10th. You can…

Resource Guide for our “Making a Life” Message Series

Our relationship to work can be… complicated. Human beings long to be useful, to see the value and meaning behind what we do in the world. Yet we know, on some level, that we’re not here just to “earn a living.” The poet Maya Angelou said “making a living is not the same as making a life.” In this series we’ll explore our experiences with work – and examine what it truly means to make a life. Making a Life…

A Letter of Appreciation to Our Volunteer Leaders

We do not say it enough: thank you volunteer leaders for your work to nurture our spiritual well-being as you also manage the functions of WellSprings. The Leadership Development (LD) Ministry would like to express our deep appreciation to WellSprings volunteer leaders for their support during the year 2022. Every Sunday last year we saw and valued the remarkable work of our WellSprings staff – Carol Breslin our YouthSpirit Director, Jessica Heichel our Membership & Communications Coordinator, and Paula Bower our Office Coordinator. Their flexibility and resilience…

Christmas Eve at WellSprings

Join us this Christmas Eve for an all-ages service inspired by the 1946 classic film “It’s A Wonderful Life.” We’re turning our worship space into Bedford Falls for the occasion! We’ll have hot cocoa, singing by candlelight, a special activity and a space for our kids, and a vintage black-and-white photo booth for snapping some unique holiday shots, which you can take with you when you head out for the evening. Our sunset service will take place at 4:30 pm…

Loving (Even) This World: Our Holiday Message Series

As UUs, we believe there is sacred meaning found in everyday life. … Yes, even this life. Even late-Covid, election season, war-torn, Earth burning… Somehow, even these times are full of love and purpose. During this series, we’ll offer opportunities for our whole community to meditate in public, in different places across the region. What will it feel like, to take that “one conscious breath” in the midst of this world, as it honestly is? Click here to find the…

Sit With Us, This Holiday Season

During our Holiday message series, “Loving (Even) This World,” we’re offering opportunities for our whole community to meditate in public, in different places across the region – a chance to practice being present amidst the busyness of the season, and to look at the world around you, with fresh eyes. Bring a camp chair, cushion, blanket, or yoga mat as you prefer. Bench seating is available in most of our locations, but will be limited. Rev. Lee will lead us…

American Idols: Our Current Message Series

At the beginning of each message series, our Spiritual Development Ministry compiles a list of resources to help congregants connect more deeply with the messages offered each Sunday. Our current message series is American Idols Many religious traditions include warnings against idolatry: the worship of something mortal, or inanimate, as though it were the most powerful thing in the universe – as if that thing was God, itself. What have we made idols of, today? Each week, we’ll answer that…

This Year, at WellSprings…

We’re kicking off a new congregational year! Read below to get a taste of our themes for worship – and for faith formation for all ages – in the year ahead: American Idols our Fall Message Series Many religious traditions include warnings against idolatry: the worship of something mortal, or inanimate, as though it were the most powerful thing in the universe – as if that thing was God, itself. What have we made idols of, today? Each week, we’ll…

A Look Back at Our “Starting Small” Message Series

During the month of May, WellSprings offered four very special services, which set out to include people of all ages. We had some of our younger WellSpringers helping out as Worship Leaders, chalice lighters, hat passers, and even activity leaders. Keep reading to see a description of each week, and the accompanying photos and videos. Week 1: Mystery Seeds Rev. Ken led us in a planting activity. Each person present was given a small, biodegradable cup, some soil, and some…

“Starting Small” – Our New Message Series

Sometimes we’ve got to start something new… even if we only have a little bit of what we need, to make it happen. Everything we begin in life is, essentially, a mystery. We never know how it will unfold. How do we find the courage to begin anyway? How can we discover, and trust, the good seeds in our lives? And what can we learn from our own past experiences, to help us remember that starting – even starting small – is worth…

Our New Message Series: The Great Integration

Millions of people quit their jobs in 2021. Over the last two years, people sold houses, changed careers, ended marriages, and moved to new towns at rates far beyond the norm – so much so, that journalists and social scientists started calling it “The Great Resignation.” It makes sense that in times of change, people change too. What does it look like to re-build, and re-integrate, all these new pieces of a life… with the old ones that are still…

“Neighbors & Helpers” Our New Message Series

We see the world through our own eyes – and sometimes we assume that’s just “the way it is” for everyone. But when we engage with our neighbors, we start to realize how much our own limited perspectives never showed us. There are so many shades and colors of what it means to be “us” – to live in Chester County, or to be a Unitarian Universalist – beyond our own experiences. This Winter, we’ll bring members of the community…