'JusticeWorks Team' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'JusticeWorks Team' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

JusticeWorks Joins the Vote Forward Campaign

Sending a Vote Forward letter is one of the easiest things you can do to increase voter turnout. It takes two minutes and one stamp, and meaningfully increases the odds that the recipient will vote. The letter is a concrete action you can take, no matter where you live, to get fellow citizens who might be unlikely-to-vote, to the polls. Fellow WellSpringers have already been writing letters, and we’d love to get more people involved. Vote Forward has a goal of…

Interfaith Action Community’s Response to the Murder of George Floyd

WellSprings is proud to join with our neighboring faith communities today, signing on in support of the words below… The Interfaith Action Community (IAC) is a grassroots organization in Chester County, PA with a mission inspired by all our different faith traditions. We stand with communities of color and against all civic, societal, cultural, governmental, or religious policies, laws, and practices that maintain systemic racism and the myth of white supremacy. We add our voices to the call for justice…
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