message archive (Page 14)

message archive (Page 14)

Belonging Sunday

This week, Rev. Lee explains the meaning of Belonging Sunday in our congregation. She reflects on what it means to belong to a community, especially now that we’re in a pandemic. Later, she asks us to consider how there can be a cloud and sunshine in something as simple as a piece of paper. Our new members are introduced, and Rev. Lee goes over what’s in the welcome package we delivered to each household. There’s also a special welcome from…

Life Among the Living

Rev. Lee begins this week by acknowledging that we are all “in need of a resurrection.” She sympathizes with the women in the Easter story of the resurrection who were visiting his grave that Sunday. She reminds us that when Jesus is resurrected, he isn’t recognized by his friends and family – he’s unfamiliar. A messenger reminds the women that we can not look for the living among the dead. We can’t find new life in what is past. We…

The Fire Next Time

This week, Rev. Ken begins with an analogy about how characters in a horror movie often have a moment of thinking the danger has past. Rather than thinking those characters are acting foolishly, we’re invited to find empathy for traumatized people. He’s also made a playlist looking back on a year in a pandemic, and he focuses on the song lyric “How am I gonna be an optimist about this?” Rev. Ken talks about Transgenerational trauma, and how trauma travels…

We’re Giving You an Hour Back

This week, rather than having a traditional Sunday service, we’re giving you back the hour you lost in Daylight Savings Time last week. We’re inviting you to use this time to do whatever it is that charges you full. Take a walk, spend time with your family, rest, or check out the resource guide from our Spiritual Development Ministry for ideas here. We’Re Giving You an Hour Back The following is a message from Wellspring’s congregation.[00:00:07]Good morning, everyone.[00:00:09]Well, if you…

We Remember So We Can Grow

Rev. Lee begins with a story about a healthcare worker isolating from her family, and the stress it caused on her young son. This worker asks her son to “remember this feeling” as we move towards a return to normal. Rev. Lee invites us to remember those who became sick, or those who were lost to this pandemic in the past year. She also references an essay which went viral last year which pointed out that the “old normal” wasn’t…

Apocalypse and Awakening

This week, Rev. Ken opens our new message series called “New Normal (or How Not to Waste an Apocalypse), by talking about a sculpture unveiling in honor of his father’s service to an art museum. As we approach the one year anniversary of Covid lockdown, he reminds us that the Greek word apocalypse means “unveiling.” We can look at this time as potentially a time of awakening. Rev, Ken also invites us to complete the lyric: “It’s the end of…

Nature Based Practices

Rev. Lee begins this week’s message by telling us about a tree she used to climb as a child. She also shares a passage from a book called ‘Wintering,” which acknowledges that life has a natural ebb and flow. Did you ever think you might learn an important lesson about life from a pecan tree? Perhaps you will. Rev. Lee also takes us into the John Heinz refuge in Philadelphia for a few moments of quiet mindfulness together. Nature Based…

The Practice of Lectio Divina

This week, Rev. Michael Bush takes us through the practice of Lectio Divina, which is Latin for “divine reading.” It encourages the reader to follow four practices when reading scripture or spiritual texts. “Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, Contemplatio.” (Translated as: Read, Reflect, Respond, and Rest/Contemplate.) You’ll have a chance to practice this along with Rev. Michael as he takes us through a passage from the Gospel of Mark. The Practice of Lectio Divina NAMEDATEFebruary 28, 2021DURATION27m 59sLectio Divina Podcast.mp3START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00]The…

Heart and Compassion Practices

Rev. Ken speaks about the issues that come along with having the news on all the time, and how sometimes it’s important to turn it off. He shares a story about a news reporter who shows emotion while reporting on a family. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we walk through a heart practice you can do at home. Rev. Ken also shares a prayer for kindness, then a lovingkindness meditation where we can practice compassion even for people we…

Cooking and Nourishing Practices

Rev. Aisha Ansano is our guest preacher this week, and she tells us about the importance and ritual surrounding family meal time when she was growing up. For this message she asks that you have a bite of food and a sip of something to drink nearby. She also invites you into the ritual of making a simple recipe along with her, such as vinaigrette or cinnamon sugar. Cooking and Nourishing Practices When I was growing up, dinner time was…

The Practice of Yoga and Embodied Movement

This week, Rev. Lee begins with telling us a story about how pandemic stress has affected some friends of hers, and how, in a moment of intense pressure, her friend as able to think “I’m alive right now and with the people I love.” The idea of “Coming Home” to your own body might not be something we think of often, but it’s an important practice. During this message, yoga instructor Gael Alba takes us through some gentle guided movement…

The Practice of Drawing and Artwork

In this week’s message, lay preacher, Chris Groppe, shares his spiritual practice of drawing. He talks a bit about his personal history with drawing, and how it’s sometimes been set aside as an activity for another time. But once he began looking at is as a means of creating a sacred space, he realized it can be used as a spiritual practice anywhere and anytime. This message provides two opportunities to draw along with Chris, so be sure to have…