Messages on Unitarian Universalism (Page 3)

Messages on Unitarian Universalism (Page 3)


Rev. Lee shares her last message from her Philadelphia home about the movie Nomadland. This film focuses on the demise of a company town after the industry supporting it shuts down. She reflects on the fact that she’s about to move into a place that once used to be a company town too. She reflects on how the story of a company town suddenly closing down speaks to our own pandemic experiences, when the things we thought would always be…

Belonging Sunday

This week, Rev. Lee explains the meaning of Belonging Sunday in our congregation. She reflects on what it means to belong to a community, especially now that we’re in a pandemic. Later, she asks us to consider how there can be a cloud and sunshine in something as simple as a piece of paper. Our new members are introduced, and Rev. Lee goes over what’s in the welcome package we delivered to each household. There’s also a special welcome from…

What Love Looks Like Today

Lay preacher, Kathy Burke-Howe, concludes our “Love the Hell Out of This World” series by asking us to consider what love looks like today, during a pandemic. How have our definitions of love changed with the rapidly changing and evolving situation around us? What can dogs – both real and animated – teach us about caring for one another? What Love Looks Like Today You might have noticed yourself or seen the meme on social media about how these weeks…

Love the Hell Out of Yourself

This week, Rev. Ken talks about how he’s been using social media as a means of reaching out during the pandemic. He also talks about challenging emotions many of us are feeling right now. What do both Buddhist teachings and Pixar movies have to say about challenging emotions, and how can we apply those lessons to our lives? He ends with a story about a wrongfully imprisoned man, and a prayer rug which helps him in more ways than one.…

Love is an Active Noun

Lay-preacher Chris Groppe shares his first ever message with us. He shares what we can learn about love from Mr. Rogers, a person who taught us what it really means to love all people. He also talks about what a challenging concept that can sometimes be, and shares a meditation which might help us better understand lovingkindness. Love is an Active Noun [00:00:09]Very excited to be here with you today. For by first preaching. I have to admit, when I…

What We Can Save

This week, Rev. Lee continues our Love the Hell Out of This World message series. She opens with a story of a Universalist church making the decision to remain closed during the 1918 flu pandemic. She also shares a story from a inside a hospital in the Bronx, where front-line workers are making a conscious effort to honor the humanity in their patients in the midst of so much fear and uncertainty. There’s power in saving what we love, and…

The Outsiders

Rev. Ken kicks off our message series, “Love the Hell Out of this World,” by exploring the concept of Universalism through the lens of – wait for it – Weird Al Yankovic. What can we learn from a painfully shy, almost cloistered youth who made so much safe space for those who have always felt like outsiders? “The Outsiders” Transcript START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00]The following is a message from Wellspring’s congregation.[00:00:05]Hi, everybody. It’s good to be connected with you again in…