Messages on Unitarian Universalism (Page 2)

Messages on Unitarian Universalism (Page 2)

The Idol of Wealth

Rev. Lee introduced our new American Idols series with a story about the “Idol” of wealth. She shares a story about a real estate investor who chooses to overlook the opportunity for making vast profits, and instead focuses on building up a community of committed neighbors.

The Dialogue Institute

Lay Preacher Rodney Whittenberg speaks with fellow WellSpringer, Majid Alsayegh, as well as David Kruger from The Dialogue Institute about the importance of interfaith cooperation and understanding.

But I’m a Cheerleader

Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen, introduces Pride Month by speaking about one of her favorite cult films: But I’m a Cheerleader. In this film about queer characters at a “reprogramming” camp, Beth explores how society has treated LGBTQIA+ people throughout history.

Belonging Sunday

A special Sunday service where we celebrate WellSprings membership. We welcome our newest members, and hear stories of belonging at WellSprings from several existing members as well

Original Blessing

This message by Rev. Ken is the first in our new series, The Great Integration. He asks us to consider the ways in which we integrate and segregate things in our lives. He shares a story about a lesson he once learned by volunteering in a preschool; contemplates the differences between the two creation stories inn Genesis; and talks about the pros and cons of selecting your top 25 Beatles songs. Original Blessing [00:00:00] Speaker1Pro tip, you might have thought…

The Company We Keep

This week, Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen spends some time speaking with fellow seminary school students. They talk a bit about the work they hope to accomplish in their communities as Unitarian Universalist ministers. The Company We Keep START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:05] Speaker1Oh, my gosh, there’s people you’re not boxes on a screen, hello, everyone. And for those of you who are boxes on the screen, yeah,your box is on a screen and you’re here, you’re all here with us today. For…

Faithful Neighbors

Beth begins by talking about the concept of neighbors. She shares a story about settling down into a home, and wondering what it would mean for both her and her husband to have neighbors. She also shares a prayer from Rabbi John from the Beth Isreal Congregation for the Day of Prayer. The Interfaith Action Community is planning a day of action, focusing on diversity and inclusion. This is important work, because it helps us to see the humanity in…

It’s All in the Release

Rev. Ken talks a bit about our typical New Year’s ritual where we write down things we want to let go of, and release them into a fire. This year, he wants to try something a little different, and he walks us through a brief guided meditation where we look at our insecurities with compassion. He also invites us to participate in a different way. It’s All in the Release START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00] Speaker1The following is a message from WellSprings…

Melting Ground

Beth begins by sharing a story from when she was a child and she experienced a near drowning.  She talks about how she thought she’d been standing on solid ground, but that it seemed to melt beneath her feet. This pandemic has felt very much like the sensation of the ground beneath your feet dissolving. She shares a story about a person refusing to leave a flooded home because they’re clinging to a belief that they’ll be saved. Finally, she…

Avatar: The Last Airbender

This week, Carol Breslin, our YouthSpirit Director talks about the themes and meanings in the much-loved Nickelodeon series, Avatar: the Last Airbender. Miss Carol and the YouthSpirit kids have been watching this series together throughout the summer, and linking the 7 UU Principles to lessons learned in each episode. Avatar: the Last Airbender START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00] Speaker1The following is a message from Wellspring’s congregation.[00:00:06] Speaker2Some of you may have seen this viral post from just this week, that’s real life…