Messages on Spiritual Practices (Page 3)

Messages on Spiritual Practices (Page 3)

New Year’s Day Service

For today’s message, Beth Monhollen talks about the practice of NOT making a New Year’s Resolution. She also invites everyone to take a small paper suitcase to follow a new tradition.

Care of the Minutes

Rev. Lee’s message today talks a lot about Thich Nhat Hanh, an important spiritual leader not only to the world, but especially to WellSprings. She uses stories from his life to encourage us to find beauty in the world right now, even if it’s hard to see.

Wild & Precious Life

During our annual Wild and Precious Life service, we ask WellSpringers from various decades of life to come up and answer the question posed in the Mary Oliver poem, “The Summer Day” – Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Here are their answers…

There You Are

Rev. Lee begins by sharing some very sweet photos from Halloween to “give us a win,” in a week of otherwise challenging news. To introduce this new message series, Loving (Even) This World, Rev. Lee talks about what it means to try to find the good in exactly the kinds of things that can make our lives difficult.

The Idol of Wealth

Rev. Lee introduced our new American Idols series with a story about the “Idol” of wealth. She shares a story about a real estate investor who chooses to overlook the opportunity for making vast profits, and instead focuses on building up a community of committed neighbors.

WellCome Back Sunday

Rev. Lee and Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen, have organized a special blessing and “refreshing” for us this week. Congregants were invited to bring in a house plant and to let the congregation offer the plants a little boost.

The Dialogue Institute

Lay Preacher Rodney Whittenberg speaks with fellow WellSpringer, Majid Alsayegh, as well as David Kruger from The Dialogue Institute about the importance of interfaith cooperation and understanding.

Alternatives to Violence

Lay preacher, Kathleen Higgins, speaks with guest Brian Winward, about their joint work in local prisons, speaking with incarcerated people about alternatives to violence.