Messages on Mindfulness

Messages on Mindfulness

A Christmas Carol

For today’s message, Lay Preacher, Matt Bunczk, shares his thoughts on the classic film “A Christmas Carol”.

Taking a Breath

Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez shares a message about a time when he was navigating lots of change – physical, emotional, educational, familial, spiritual – trying to do too much at once, and making the choice to stop and take a breath. Some exhaustion is deeper than just physical, and that’s what leads to burnout. Nick tells us about a time when he came face to face with that reality, and chose to step back.

Come Alive

Rev. Lee talks to us this week about books she recently read by Howard Thurman. She asks the question: What if the people who seem to be more spiritually connected, are just the ones who have learned the trick of paying attention? How can we come alive in simple ways?

The Hardest “Thank You”

Guest Preacher, Lisa Schilansky, shares a message asking us to go back and take a look at some of those moment we’d maybe rather not. What would happen if we reframed some of our “cringey” memories as learning experiences? What if we thanked ourselves for what we learned in those moments?

Sacred Spaces

Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, talks to us about how we can make any space into a sacred space. Beginning with the story of his recent move to the area, and his final sunset seen from his Florida balcony, all the way to Bell Hall – a space with no religious iconography, stained glass, or religious texts – he assures us that we can find the sacred anywhere we need it.

First Thing

Rev. Lee introduces our new message series, Daily reminders, by sharing the results of the poll she took online, asking friends “What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?” And spoiler alert: no matter what the answer is, you are already being spiritual, in anything you do.

Original Blessing Sunday

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe not in Original Sin, but in Original Blessing – that all of us are born inherently whole and holy. Today’s service offers blessings to our congregants, to remind them of this.

Wild & Precious Life 2023

Our annual Wild & Precious Life service, wherein we ask people in different decades of their lives to answer the question posed in Mary Oliver’s poem, The Summer Day, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

A Higher Power

Rev. Lee talks a bit about a recent vacation she took where she encountered an unexpectedly comforting and intriguing roadside sign. She also takes some time to ponder all the different ways human beings have experienced and defined “god” over the years. Finally, she introduces us to the “Heaven Receptionist” videos on Tiktok.


For today’s SpiritFlix message, lay preacher Chris Groppe discusses the HBO series, Succession.

Care of the Minutes

Rev. Lee’s message today talks a lot about Thich Nhat Hanh, an important spiritual leader not only to the world, but especially to WellSprings. She uses stories from his life to encourage us to find beauty in the world right now, even if it’s hard to see.