Messages on Mental Health (Page 4)

Messages on Mental Health (Page 4)

The Practice of Yoga and Embodied Movement

This week, Rev. Lee begins with telling us a story about how pandemic stress has affected some friends of hers, and how, in a moment of intense pressure, her friend as able to think “I’m alive right now and with the people I love.” The idea of “Coming Home” to your own body might not be something we think of often, but it’s an important practice. During this message, yoga instructor Gael Alba takes us through some gentle guided movement…

Christmas Eve

Rev. Lee brings us our annual Christmas Eve service, this year inspired by the movie Home Alone. Christmas Eve Maybe you’ve had the feeling this week that you were running out of time as you hit refresh on a package that youwere tracking for delivery, as you thought about all the things that needed to happen, I guess, before Christmas.Maybe that’s one of the things that has become clear to you, all of these preparations and plans for Christmas.Which ones…

Wild and Precious Life

In our annual Thanksgiving service, we ask members of our congregation – from different decades of life – to answer the question from the Mary Oliver poem The Summer Day “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Wild and Precious Life START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00]The following is a message from Wellspring’s congregation.[00:00:05]Hi, my name is Noah. I’m 16 years old and I am in 11th grade.[00:00:10]I’m going to read this off my computer because…

When, Not If

Rev. Ken begins our new Message series “How to Be Afraid” with a late-recorded message about the election. He remembers a slogan “Pain is just weakness leaving the body,” while recounting a time when he himself got injured during a half marathon. He also talks about the use and abuse of fear. There are some who believe that fear is only weakness, but the denial of fear is sometimes why people stop listening not only to themselves, but to each…

We Can Be the Space for This

In this week’s message, lay preacher Bev Fox shares the story of her brother who died after a years-long struggle with addiction. She tells us how the slow processing of his death led to her own struggles with mental health. A NOTE FROM OUR WORSHIP LEADER: “Before we move forward, I want to let you all know that in this morning’s message, our preacher Bev shares a personal story that might be difficult or triggering for some folks to hear,…

Garden State

Lay preacher Beverly Fox continues our SpiritFlix series with a message about the film Garden State. Her message explores the concept of home. What does that mean to you? Where can you find home? Garden State [00:00:02]Good morning.[00:00:03]My name is Beverly Fox, and I am beyond honored to be serving as a preacher today. Today, we are going to be sharing amessage from our SpiritFlix series, which for any of you new comers welcome, who may not know what that…

Love the Hell Out of Yourself

This week, Rev. Ken talks about how he’s been using social media as a means of reaching out during the pandemic. He also talks about challenging emotions many of us are feeling right now. What do both Buddhist teachings and Pixar movies have to say about challenging emotions, and how can we apply those lessons to our lives? He ends with a story about a wrongfully imprisoned man, and a prayer rug which helps him in more ways than one.…