Messages on Family (Page 5)

Messages on Family (Page 5)

Listening Beyond the Laughs

This week, Rev. Ken begins by talking about the concept of “yucking someone else’s yum.” He also reflects on the meaning of nervous laughter and sarcasm, and shares a story about a time when he laughed nervously while making a 911 call. A concept called “The four horsemen of relationship apocalypse” is shown, as is a story about a man who suffered from OCD as a child. Listening Beyond the Laughs START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00] Speaker1The following is a message from…

Chances Are

This week, our Message begins with a story about Beethoven. Rev. Ken remarks on how apropos our new message series, “God Laughs,” is this week, since we are not gathered together in Bell Hall like we were just a week ago. This message seried gets its name from a Yiddish proverb “We plan, God laughs.” He talks about the importance of keeping covenants with one another, even though we realize that plans may fall through. This was demonstrated recently when…


Chris begins this week’s service by talking about the nature of happiness. He highlights the Kurt Vonnegut quote “If this isn’t nice, what is?” He also brings up the concept of tragic optimism, which means being clear-eyed about a situation, while remaining hopeful. He concludes with The Five Remembrances of Buddhism. He goes through each and explains how – even though some of them might seem gloomy on the surface – they can hold the key to happiness. Happy [00:00:00]…


This week, Rev. Ken begins by talking about he voices of loved ones on answering machines. Minari is a movie about a Korean family’s move to rural Arkansas during the 80s, and Rev. Ken remarks on how poignant it was to watch this movie during the pandemic, when hatred against people of asian descent is still continuing. Ultimately, this is a movie about connective love in the midst of discouraging circumstances. Also shared is a Twitter thread that went viral,…

The White Lotus

Rev. Lee begins with speaking about last week’s in-person service. She also speaks to the times we’re living in right now: parents deciding what to do about school, and all of us watching the scenes in Afghanistan unfold. In talking about this week’s series, The White Lotus, she remarks upon the different ways in which we try to escape. Sometimes they’re healthy and sometimes they’re unhealthy – but all are temporary. She asks us to consider how we react when…

Avatar: The Last Airbender

This week, Carol Breslin, our YouthSpirit Director talks about the themes and meanings in the much-loved Nickelodeon series, Avatar: the Last Airbender. Miss Carol and the YouthSpirit kids have been watching this series together throughout the summer, and linking the 7 UU Principles to lessons learned in each episode. Avatar: the Last Airbender START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00] Speaker1The following is a message from Wellspring’s congregation.[00:00:06] Speaker2Some of you may have seen this viral post from just this week, that’s real life…

The Wizard of Oz

Lee revisits one of the classics this week by talking about The Wizard of Oz. At its heart, this is a story about a girl who experiences trauma (literal head trauma, in her case) and spends much of the rest of the story trying to determine when and how things will feel safe again. This is very much what we’ve experienced in the pandemic. She also talks about the meaning of the Arabic word “Inshallah” and shares a poem contemplating…

The Practice of Adulting

This week, Rev. Lee talks about little moments that sneak up on you and stay with you forever. She remarks on the differences between what “adulting” looks like to younger people observing adults, and what it actually means to the people living it. Our Heirloom Connection Penpals this week are Nan and Tina, and Julie and Ron. Nan and Tina talk about a shared interest in counseling, and how their life circumstances effected their ability to pursue that. Ron shares…

Connecting the Generations

Josie opens this message by talkin gabout the thrill of playing Pong on the TV for the first time. She also mentions the moral panic about videogames taking place at the time, whereas Josie sees them as an intro to crucial computer skills. This highlights the need for communication and connection among the generations. We share more conversations between pen pals born in the 2010s and the 1940s, respectively, about everything from the differences in technology and playground equipment, to…

Cosmic Mind, Home Heart

This week, Rev. Ken opens with a quote about spirituality by Walt Whitman.Continuing in our Heirloom Connections series, we share Evan and Micah’s pen pal videos. They’re asked to describe their “Ows and their Wows.” This brings them to some heavy topics, with some big and broad ideas, but they also look at the smaller things too – particularly superheroes.Ken also ponders astronaut Michael Collins, who had some spiritually enlightened things to say about being the furthest person ever away…

Can’t Unsee

Rev. Lee talks about a friend’s policy towards internet use with children: Before you click on something, think about whether you really want to watch, becauase once you see it, you can’t unsee it. She also talks about a reality show where drag performers put on shows in small communities to help let people know that there are all types of people in every community. She includes a parable from the bible wherein Jesus talks about men given land, but…

Christmas Eve

Rev. Lee brings us our annual Christmas Eve service, this year inspired by the movie Home Alone. Christmas Eve Maybe you’ve had the feeling this week that you were running out of time as you hit refresh on a package that youwere tracking for delivery, as you thought about all the things that needed to happen, I guess, before Christmas.Maybe that’s one of the things that has become clear to you, all of these preparations and plans for Christmas.Which ones…