Messages on Family (Page 4)

Messages on Family (Page 4)

Belonging Sunday

A special Sunday service where we celebrate WellSprings membership. We welcome our newest members, and hear stories of belonging at WellSprings from several existing members as well

God Shaped Hole

Rev. Ken begins this week with remembering his father, who passed away last Fall. He shares with us a poem/song his father wrote called ‘Tsuris,” a Yiddish word equating to “stress.” He tells us about his father’s experiences in the Korean war, and how traumatic they must have been. We are invited to listen to a poem quietly, and consider the busy nature of our lives, and whether that’s serving us. He shares a story about another veteran recounting his…

The Great Integration

Today, lay preacher Josie Waldman talks to us about how “The Great Resignation” affected her, just as she was beginning down a new path in her life. Sunday Message for March 20, 2022 START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00]The following is a message from WellSprings congregation. Yeah. It’s been too long. And hello. To. Everyone tuning in on ourYouTube channel. It’s definitely. A. Silver lining of this pandemic. That we now have the ability to invite you in when we meet inperson. The…

The Economy of Joy

Rodney begins this week’s message by talking about the joy he feels when listening to music. He recounts a story of his typically-stern father making space for joy in his life too. After telling us about an experience where he saw a procession of people heading to a church, he shares a list of songs that make him feel joyful. Rodney is releasing a companion podcast to this one. You can listen to Rodney’s Music Ministry here. The Economy of…

And the Award Goes To…

Rev. Ken opens this week’s message by taking a moment to talk about the recent passing of his father. He talks about the importance of play, and how sometimes competition can take play away from us. We can find joy when we look beyond winning or losing, and instead engage in self-directed, spontaneous, and creative play. He shares with us some examples of poorly but lovingly made cakes, and a story about an adult kickball team. And the Award Goes…

Joy In My Heart

Beth begins this week by talking about the concept of “deserving joy.” She remembers certain moments in her childhood where she experienced huge amounts of joy, and worrying that those feelings may have been lost. She reminds us that paying attention can lead to joy, but being busy, stressed, or not in the moment can cloud that feeling over. It’s important to not ignore the bad things going on in the world, but – as Beth says – to grab…

Wild & Precious Life

We welcome five different speakers from our congregation – ranging in age from 9 to 96 – to answer the question from Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Wild and Precious Life START OF TRANSCRIPT[00:00:00] Speaker1The following is a message from Wellsprings Congregation.[00:00:11] Speaker2My name is Mo, and I am nine years old. I live with my mom, dad, sister and dog. And to get my dog is…

Joy and Sorrow – Caring Companions

Kathleen begins with a story about a child who knocks down a younger playmate, and who is asked an important question about kindness. She asks us to consider what happens when we experience joy. She reminds us of the parable of not hiding your light under a bushel, because the world needs all the light we can get right now. She offers us some advice from a Buddhist monk about how to find joy amidst sorrow. We also take a…

Their Promises

Ken beings by telling a story from when he was three years old, and he made a funny comment about an older person. Our message series is called “God Laughs,” based on the Yiddish saying “We plan, God laughs,” and there is nothing more disruptive to our plans than death. He shares thoughts about a book called “No Cure For Being Human,” written by a woman who discovered she had stage 4 cancer at age 35; and a story about…

By Name

Rev. Lee begins by talking about the saga of the Maryland zebras on the loose. She then shares a story about a friend’s baby learning the words of things in the world – dog, ant, goat, fish – and how naming these things once calmed him down in the middle of a bad crying fit. This is actually a powerful tool for bringing someone out of an anxiety attack. She talks a bit about what it means to heal, and…