Messages on Family (Page 3)

Messages on Family (Page 3)

Belonging Sunday 2023

Rev. Lee welcomes new members to our congregation who have joined over the past year. She also takes some time to talk about what membership at WellSprings means. Later, members of our congregation process forward with their stewardship pledges for the year.

To Be of Use

Rev. Lee speaks with two guests: Julie Choi and Tiffany Shoffner, about their work in sales, and how their jobs have come to mean more to them than they initially expected.

Communicating Love

Guest preacher, Caroline Bright, begins by telling us some history of Unitarian Universalism, and the role women have carved out in the tradition. She also shares some stories about her prior work as a flight attendant, and a particular moment when she connected with someone on a flight.

Ingredients for Making a Life

Today, Beth Monhollen takes us through the ingredients for making a life, beginning with a bit of playful remembering about what we wanted to be when we grew up.

Christmas Eve Service

Rev. Lee shares a Christmas Eve message, inspired by the movie It’s a Wonderful Life.

Birds of a Feather

Today, guest preacher, Caroline Bright shares a message beginning with the surprising origins of Hallmark cards – and the holidays that came about specifically because this company exists, such as friendship day. How do we experience friendship?

Wild & Precious Life

During our annual Wild and Precious Life service, we ask WellSpringers from various decades of life to come up and answer the question posed in the Mary Oliver poem, “The Summer Day” – Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Here are their answers…

Caring for Each Other

Today, Beth Monhollen shares a message about what it means to be in a situation where you can love others, while also realizing that you can no longer maintain a relationship with them.

The Idol of Purity

Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen talks today about how differences of religious practice have shaped our lives, especially today in America.