Messages on Change (Page 6)

Messages on Change (Page 6)

I Am Not Your Negro

Rev. Ken continues our SpiritFlix series with the award winning documentary film, “I Am Not Your Negro.” He begins his message with a story about an uncomfortable moment at a baseball game, before getting into the subject matter of the film. This unfinished memoir by James Baldwin is about his relationships with slain civil rights leaders. Now, more than ever, this film and message offer us a chance to wake up to the realities of being black in America. I…

Groundhog Day

Rev. Ken (appropriately) brings us a second SpiritFlix Message about Groundhog Day where he addresses the repetitiveness of our days right now. How do we break the cycle of “Groundhog Day?” We can do it by being of service to others, but also by fully inhabiting our own lives. Even if you don’t know where your life is going right now, Rev. Ken emphasizes the importance of keeping after your pursuits, and your spiritual practices. That’s how we finally make…