Messages on Change (Page 2)

Messages on Change (Page 2)

God is Change

In today’s service, our Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen, tells us about some lessons she learned from her father (a chaos muppet). She also talks about the importance of making plans (like an order muppet), so that, ironically, we can be prepared for when those plans fall apart. She ends by leading the congregation through an activity where we consider how our congregation is interconnected.

Creating Ourselves

To open our Muppet Theory of Everything message series, Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen shares some creation stories, and gets a little (or a lot of) help from our younger friends!

What Would My Grandad Do?

Today, guest preacher, Rev. McKinley Sims from the UU Congregation in Mt. Airy, joins us to tell a story about his grandfather (and his old pickup truck), and how the lessons learned as a child still apply today.

Threads of Purpose

Today, Beth Monhollen speaks with two guests. Steve Waldman talks about his volunteer work as chief engineer with a local fire department, and Majid Alsayegh talks about his work in interfaith connection, especially in the Middle East.

To Be of Use

Rev. Lee speaks with two guests: Julie Choi and Tiffany Shoffner, about their work in sales, and how their jobs have come to mean more to them than they initially expected.

Quiet Beginning

In today’s message, Rev. Lee talks about the current culture of overwork. She reminds us that we are more than just our jobs – but also shares stories about moments when our work feels very important, and in service to something greater. Towards the end of her message, she shares a “recipe card” and invites us to consider what makes a life.

Ingredients for Making a Life

Today, Beth Monhollen takes us through the ingredients for making a life, beginning with a bit of playful remembering about what we wanted to be when we grew up.

New Year’s Day Service

For today’s message, Beth Monhollen talks about the practice of NOT making a New Year’s Resolution. She also invites everyone to take a small paper suitcase to follow a new tradition.

Wild & Precious Life

During our annual Wild and Precious Life service, we ask WellSpringers from various decades of life to come up and answer the question posed in the Mary Oliver poem, “The Summer Day” – Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Here are their answers…

There You Are

Rev. Lee begins by sharing some very sweet photos from Halloween to “give us a win,” in a week of otherwise challenging news. To introduce this new message series, Loving (Even) This World, Rev. Lee talks about what it means to try to find the good in exactly the kinds of things that can make our lives difficult.

Alternatives to Violence

Lay preacher, Kathleen Higgins, speaks with guest Brian Winward, about their joint work in local prisons, speaking with incarcerated people about alternatives to violence.