Messages on Change

Messages on Change

A Christmas Carol

For today’s message, Lay Preacher, Matt Bunczk, shares his thoughts on the classic film “A Christmas Carol”.

For Each Other

This week, Rev. Lee introduces us to a favorite poem by Wendell Berry, which calls for people to care for the Earth in such a way that future generations will benefit. She shares that it’s hard to feel youthful optimism these days, when it feels like we are fighting the same battles over and over again. But what if we are still growing and changing through these battles – and for the better, at that?

Taking a Breath

Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez shares a message about a time when he was navigating lots of change – physical, emotional, educational, familial, spiritual – trying to do too much at once, and making the choice to stop and take a breath. Some exhaustion is deeper than just physical, and that’s what leads to burnout. Nick tells us about a time when he came face to face with that reality, and chose to step back.

Listening Within

Lay preacher, Matt Bunczk, shares his story of the different ways he experienced god as a young catholic, and later, as an adult who had come out as gay. Matt also explores some theological discussion and argument surrounding two specific verses in Leviticus, which have impacted his life.

Wild & Precious Life 2023

Our annual Wild & Precious Life service, wherein we ask people in different decades of their lives to answer the question posed in Mary Oliver’s poem, The Summer Day, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Good Days

Rev. Lee begins her message by addressing the conflict happening in our world right now, and the many (and often invisible) ways it’s impacting all of us. Calling back to Rodney’s message last week, she acknowledges that we probably won’t be able to flip a switch and solve this, but we can keep putting good out in the world. She also introduces the congregation to the story of “Flamy Grant,” a queer, drag performer who writes worship music, and tells…

Small things Matter

Lay preacher, Rodney Whittenberg, talks to us today about how it’s okay to not try and solve everything at once. We know we can’t flip a switch and make the world’s problems disappear, but we can make small changes, and those small changes always matter.

The People Have the Power

Inspired by a Patti Smith lyric, lay preacher Chris Groppe talks about the power of collective action. He highlights several of our community justice partner organizations, and asks our members to sign up to learn more about some of them. If you’d like to add your name to those lists, you can do that at this link.

Say Yes

Today, our new ministerial intern, Nick Sanchez offered his first message to us. He talks about his own experience in getting off the fence, and choosing to pursue ministry. He also shares a poem which means a lot to him called “Say Yes,” by Andrea Gibson.

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

For today’s message, Bev Fox has chosen the multiverse movie, Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. She talks about themes of family, courage and change in this story of an unsuspecting, stressed out woman whose world gets turned upside down.

The Last Of Us

Rev. Lee shares her message about the HBO series, The Last of Us, and talks about how love can make people do terrible things, but also great things.