Messages on Belonging & Connection (Page 2)

Messages on Belonging & Connection (Page 2)

Original Blessing Sunday

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe not in Original Sin, but in Original Blessing – that all of us are born inherently whole and holy. Today’s service offers blessings to our congregants, to remind them of this.

The God You Need

In today’s message, lay preacher, Rodney Whittenberg, asks us to consider the god we need in our lives – and that perhaps the different ideas of god over the centuries have all been in response to what the people of the time needed in their lives.

Impossible Miracles

Inspired by a conversation with an Atheist friend, Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, shares a math lesson with us which begins with a deck of cards. By the end of this message, Nick will have you convinced that you are a miracle.

The Most & The Biggest

Rev. Lee shares a message about how humans define their various ideas of “the most and the biggest” thing – that being god. She shares some interesting definitions of different theologies, and also tells a very funny story about what a college friend thought Unitarian Universalism was.

Listening Within

Lay preacher, Matt Bunczk, shares his story of the different ways he experienced god as a young catholic, and later, as an adult who had come out as gay. Matt also explores some theological discussion and argument surrounding two specific verses in Leviticus, which have impacted his life.

Wild & Precious Life 2023

Our annual Wild & Precious Life service, wherein we ask people in different decades of their lives to answer the question posed in Mary Oliver’s poem, The Summer Day, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

A Higher Power

Rev. Lee talks a bit about a recent vacation she took where she encountered an unexpectedly comforting and intriguing roadside sign. She also takes some time to ponder all the different ways human beings have experienced and defined “god” over the years. Finally, she introduces us to the “Heaven Receptionist” videos on Tiktok.

Living the Questions

To open our God Without Borders message series, our Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, speaks about his enthusiasm for theological discussions in a larger sense, but also about some of his personal experiences with religion

Good Days

Rev. Lee begins her message by addressing the conflict happening in our world right now, and the many (and often invisible) ways it’s impacting all of us. Calling back to Rodney’s message last week, she acknowledges that we probably won’t be able to flip a switch and solve this, but we can keep putting good out in the world. She also introduces the congregation to the story of “Flamy Grant,” a queer, drag performer who writes worship music, and tells…

The People Have the Power

Inspired by a Patti Smith lyric, lay preacher Chris Groppe talks about the power of collective action. He highlights several of our community justice partner organizations, and asks our members to sign up to learn more about some of them. If you’d like to add your name to those lists, you can do that at this link.

Say Yes

Today, our new ministerial intern, Nick Sanchez offered his first message to us. He talks about his own experience in getting off the fence, and choosing to pursue ministry. He also shares a poem which means a lot to him called “Say Yes,” by Andrea Gibson.