Messages by Rev. Lee Paczulla (Page 3)

Messages by Rev. Lee Paczulla (Page 3)

The Woman King

Rev. Lee shares a message based on the movie The Woman King. She touches on themes of bravery, gender expectations, and oppression, as she looks at the differences between the society portrayed in the movie, and the society we are living in today.

The Last Of Us

Rev. Lee shares her message about the HBO series, The Last of Us, and talks about how love can make people do terrible things, but also great things.

At the Carwash

In this (intentionally) mixed up Sunday service, Rev. Lee shares a story about a time she (an order muppet) led a carwash activity for a congregation’s teens (all chaos muppets) and what they learned from one another in the process.

Belonging Sunday 2023

Rev. Lee welcomes new members to our congregation who have joined over the past year. She also takes some time to talk about what membership at WellSprings means. Later, members of our congregation process forward with their stewardship pledges for the year.

A Helper

In today’s message, Rev. Lee talks a bit about how, in the bible, Eve was originally identified not as a partner, but as “a helper.” We then get to hear from Carol Ruark, a WellSpringer working with disadvantaged children.

To Be of Use

Rev. Lee speaks with two guests: Julie Choi and Tiffany Shoffner, about their work in sales, and how their jobs have come to mean more to them than they initially expected.

Quiet Beginning

In today’s message, Rev. Lee talks about the current culture of overwork. She reminds us that we are more than just our jobs – but also shares stories about moments when our work feels very important, and in service to something greater. Towards the end of her message, she shares a “recipe card” and invites us to consider what makes a life.

Care of the Minutes

Rev. Lee’s message today talks a lot about Thich Nhat Hanh, an important spiritual leader not only to the world, but especially to WellSprings. She uses stories from his life to encourage us to find beauty in the world right now, even if it’s hard to see.

There You Are

Rev. Lee begins by sharing some very sweet photos from Halloween to “give us a win,” in a week of otherwise challenging news. To introduce this new message series, Loving (Even) This World, Rev. Lee talks about what it means to try to find the good in exactly the kinds of things that can make our lives difficult.