Here it is: The Results of Our Engagement Survey

Here it is: The Results of Our Engagement Survey

At the beginning of May, we experimented with starting a new practice at WellSprings. After all the changes of the past few years, we invited you all to consider, and asked without judgment: where are you, in your relationship to our community, today?

We received 135 responses to our Engagement Survey, and we thank everyone who participated! The information was very helpful for understanding a bit more about the shape of your lives, and our community, right now – and, for those folks who primarily follow us online, it was so wonderful to either meet, or be re-introduced to you, from afar!

You can review the data from the two questions in the survey in the two attached documents – and – as promised, we’ve randomly chosen two survey respondents to receive a $25 Wawa gift card. Congratulations Sarah Henle and Ken Tucker on your coffee and hoagie prizes! Look for a Wawa e-gift card in your e-mail inboxes, this week.

We heard a lot of good and helpful feedback about the survey process, in the comments you all have already shared – but if you have thoughts about how we might add to this process in future years, to help us all be more intentional about our connections with our beloved community, through all of life’s changes and seasons, please feel free to comment below, or reach out to me ( or Jessica (

As mentioned last month, we know your connections to our community might change, over time – and only you can decide how – but please know that you are always welcome at WellSprings. Without need for explanation, or apology – whether you’re stepping back, or stepping back in. 

Thanks again to everyone who reached out with a response this year!