WellSprings News (Page 9)

WellSprings News (Page 9)

Our Holiday Message Series: “How to Be Afraid”

The writer Audre Lorde once said, “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” As the Fall season turns to Winter this year, so many of us are coping with helplessness, fear, and dissatisfaction with what is – alongside anxious hope, for the future. The shape of our world in years to come always depends on what we do in the…

“Stock Up” on WellSprings for Winter at our First Drive-Through Event

When? Sunday, November 15th, 1 – 3 PM, and  Monday, November 16th, 3:30 – 5:30 PM Where? At the WellSprings Office parking lot: 47 Marchwood Road, Exton, PA 19341 A Holiday Gift for You WellSprings is offering a little something to each of the households in our congregation. Much like when we sent bubbles to families before our WellCome Back Sunday service, these gift packets will bring a little bit of WellSprings into your home, ahead of the holidays. Contactless…

It’s Pastor Appreciation Month!

It’s Pastor Appreciation Month, and we’ve never been more grateful for our pastors than we are in 2020. On Tuesday, October 6th, our staff and Board of Trustees came up with a fun way to thank Revs. Lee and Ken for all they do for us: we sent warm cookies right to their doors! Pictured here: cookies, notes, a very surprised Rev. Lee right after the delivery came in the middle of our weekly staff meeting, and Rev. Ken defending…

Remembering Those We’ve Lost

WellSprings Annual remembrance Service To be Held October 25th At the end of each October, WellSprings holds an annual Remembrance Service. Together, we build an altar that holds mementos and photos of all our loved ones lost, from within and beyond our community. This year more than ever, as we walk through the grief of all 2020 has brought us, we honor that we have that same need: to connect and share stories and mementos of the loved ones we miss so dearly, and carry…

Celebrate “WellCome Back” Sunday With Our Documentary & Music Video

On Sunday, September 13th, during our 10 AM Sunday service on YouTube, we premiered two new videos as part of our “WellCome Back” Sunday celebration. WellSprings @Home: A WellCome Back Sunday Retrospective What was it like in the moments and days after Thursday, March 12th, when WellSprings made the decision to put all in-person gatherings on hold? Listen to stories from our Board members, our Staff, and from WellSpringers talking about how we reacted to the pandemic in those first…

“WellCome Back” Looks Different…

On September 13th, join us online for an annual WellSprings tradition: WellCome Back Sunday! Our service will still be all-ages, and it will still kick off the new church year… but a few other things will be different: We’ll gather on YouTube at 10am, as one big all-ages community. There will be no YouthSpirit on Sept. 13 – but you will see YouthSpirit friends dancing to the music and taking part in our service! We’re working on sending everyone at…

YouthSpirit Home Packets Sent Out to WellSprings Families

With social distancing measures still in place, our YouthSpirit friends have been meeting online over Zoom since March. In an effort to make the YouthSpirit experience feel more “normal,” this week, special packets were sent out (or in some cases, hand delivered) to families. Our hope is that families and kids get a chance to explore the ideas and materials provided. There are three main themes: Flight & Wind Outdoor activities with a social justice twist Seed paper in the…

Celebrating our Resilience, and Planning for the Rest of the Year

Greetings from the Generosity & Gratitude Ministry, This has been quite a season at WellSprings, as we’re sure it’s been for you, too. Sometimes it helps to take stock of all we’ve done, and recognize just how much we have to be grateful for—our adaptability, our tenacity, and our care for each other—amidst it all. Take a moment, if you’d like, to do that for yourself today. Make a list, and let yourself be grateful and astonished by it. What…

Board of Trustees Election Results

We are pleased to report that Chris Chepel has been elected to a second two-year term on the Board of Trustees, beginning on July 1, 2020.  Chris Groppe and Tiffany Shoffner were each elected to a two-year term on the WellSprings Board of Trustees, also beginning on July 1, 2020. Congratulations and welcome to Chris and Tiffany! Chris will be stepping into the role of Vice President, and Tiffany will be stepping into the role of Treasurer. Thank you for participating…

Here’s How to Connect with WellSprings Online Each Week

We’re all adapting, adjusting, and reaching out in new ways these days. Here at WellSprings, we want to make sure you know how to connect with us. There are options to gather together with our community, from home, four days each week. Here’s how and where you can find us. Sundays 9 AM YOUTH SPIRIT ON ZOOM. Carol Breslin and our Mentors host an interactive time for connection, split into smaller groups by age when possible. Click this link to…

Board of Trustees Update – May 2020

Looking Ahead As Rev. Lee shared in her recent message, there is still much uncertainty as to when WellSprings will again meet in person, and our Staff Team is beginning to imagine what the entire next church year would look like, if held remotely. As we have seen in the past eight weeks, the “Charge of the Soul” is still with us, in new and different ways – and we look forward to continuing to explore the possibilities for connection and…

Looking Ahead: A Letter From Rev. Lee

This message is available as a video, and as a letter. Dear WellSpringers, As I sat down to write today, I tried to remember the last time I saw any of you in person. I checked the calendar – it was March 8th – a Sunday morning, like any other. Two services, greeters at the door, folks arranging chairs, worship leader and preacher going over their notes, staff and helpers setting up for our kids, the band rehearsing, two volunteers…