WellSprings News (Page 8)

WellSprings News (Page 8)

Some WellSprings Easter Treats are On the Way!

In a non-pandemic year, Easter Sunday would be marked at WellSprings by an Easter egg hunt ranging over the hills and playgrounds at The Montgomery School. YouthSpirit kids would spend a happy morning searching for hidden prizes and treats. This year – our second Easter in a pandemic – is going to look a bit different, but we’re committed to making this a charged-full experience for our young friends. Over the past few weeks, WellSpringers have contributed to a project…

We’re Giving You an Hour Back this Sunday

This message is available as a video, and as a letter. Dear WellSprings, This past weekend, we all lost an hour of our lives, when Daylight Savings Time pushed the clocks forward. This Sunday, we’re giving you that hour back. To be honest, this wasn’t our plan. One of our lay preachers was scheduled to offer the message this weekend – but called me on Monday, stressed and fried like so many of us are, asking if it was possible…

We’re Modeling “Taking a Break” in YouthSpirit this Sunday

YouthSpirit will mark its own one year anniversary online – 52 weeks – this Sunday, March 21st. If you’ve read Rev. Lee’s letter to the congregation, you’ll understand the intention behind joining the congregation in a morning of rest and reflection. There will be no YouthSpirit ZoomRoom.  The ongoing engagement of our kiddos, coming to our program every week for the past year, reveals their continued resiliency and curiosity. YouthSpirit friends attendance is also due, in no small part, to…

“New Normal (Or, How Not to Waste an Apocalypse)” Our Spring Message Series

One year ago, “normal” was ripped out from under us – and in those first, stunned moments, many of us began to dream. Just how well was the “old normal” working for us? How might this time change the way we live? How can we rebuild our world for the better? This Spring we’ll consider what new doors have opened to us in the past year, and how we might choose to live our lives differently, in light of what…

Together Towards Tomorrow with Our Board

Did you know that we have congregational goals? The Board of Trustees is inviting all of you to join us at upcoming Zoom sessions (pick one), to provide input into these goals, for the coming year. We’ll provide updates on our existing goals and listen, as we all share visions for the future of our beloved community. Registration in advance is not required, but is appreciated. Click each date below, to RSVP on Realm for one of these conversations, or…

Share The Practice of Lectio Divina at this Sunday’s Service

On Sunday, February 21st, WellSprings welcomes guest preacher Rev. Michael Bush. He is the Senior Minister of the Casas Adobes Congregational Church (UCC) in Tuscon, AZ. Prior to that he was the pastor of the nearby to us United Church of Christ in Valley Forge.  He’s bringing us a message as part of our Coming Home series, and he’s chosen to share the practice of Lectio Divina with us. The Four Part Lectio Divina Lectio Divina is Latin for “divine…

Interested in Membership? WellSprings 1.0 is Coming!

Our WellSprings 1.0 gatherings are a chance for you to learn more about what it means to become a member of our spiritual community. If you’ve been attending services for a while and feel like WellSprings might be your new spiritual home, you are warmly invited to join us for these special small-group discussions. Since we are still distancing, 1.0 sessions will take place over Zoom. This year, we are also breaking down the traditional “block” format of WellSprings 1.0…

“Coming Home” Our Winter Message Series

Even when we feel like we are going nowhere, we are always in an astonishing place: right here, at home, in our bodies. There are many ways to stop and pause, and feel our way back to this present, embodied moment – and an abiding, enduring spiritual practice gives us the ability to find peace and presence, no matter where we are. This Winter, we’ll “test drive” a spiritual practice together in worship each week, with hopes that all of…

Join Us on YouTube For Christmas Eve

Our Christmas Eve services are a beloved tradition at WellSprings, and while things will look a bit different this year, we are still bringing you a charged-full service online. So, please join us for a special service premiering on YouTube at 5 PM on December 24th. If you’ve already received your winter care package, you’ll notice some candles included. We are asking you to light your own candles at home this year, and while we won’t be physically passing the…

The “WellSprings Elves” are on the Move

Over the past few days, some WellSpringers have hopefully found surprises in their mailboxes, on their porches, or even hanging from their doorknobs. Behind the scenes, our staff has been hard at work planning, assembling, and hand delivering a special holiday care package to WellSprings families. If you made it out to our drive-up event in November, you received yours then, but there were about 180 families still on our list. So on that note, staff has been visiting Exton,…

WellSprings In-Person Small Group Activities Suspended Until Further Notice

WellSprings is continuing to offer Sunday Services on YouTube, as we have since March 15th. We are also offering YouthSpirit, Sunday Coffee Hour, Teen Groups, Mindful Recovery, weekly Mindfulness sessions with Rev. Ken, online lunches with Rev. Lee, and occasional special events, safely, through Zoom or other online means. While these weekly offerings are not changing, The Board of Trustees has made the decision to suspend any and all in-person Small Group activities until further notice. Below is the letter…

WellSprings First Drive Up Event Was a Huge Success!

On November 15th and 16th, members of the WellSprings staff, along with some dedicated volunteers, held our first ever drive up event. The idea behind this event was threefold: All throughout Sunday and Monday afternoon, WellSpringers showed up for a safe, socially-distanced handoff of goodies. In many, many cases, this was the first time we had seen one another in person since March 8th, 2020. We are so glad this event was successful, safe, and full of joy. We hope…