Ministries & Teams (Page 6)

Ministries & Teams (Page 6)

Our Holiday Message Series: This Joy

Our next message series, This Joy, will begin on Sunday November 7th and will run through January 2nd. This Joy There may be nothing more powerful, or brave, than refusing to let the world steal our joy. Sadly, joy thieves are everywhere, these days. Whether it’s headlines in the news, illnesses and loss, hate and injustice, climate disasters… or just our boss or our partner or our kid’s bad mood… we’re tempted to shut the doors, change the channel, and…

Fall Fun in YouthSpirit

We had a perfect day for a return to in-person YouthSpirit this past Sunday! Friends showed up ready to re-connect, so we organized an ice-breaker, a walk in the woods, and some card-making for the Helping Hands service project. For this coming Sunday, 10/31, friends are welcome to come in their Halloween costumes! You can register your kids for YouthSpirit at this link.

A Special Service to Remember Those We’ve Lost

WellSprings Annual remembrance Service To be Held October 31st At the end of each October, WellSprings holds an annual Remembrance Service. Together, we build an altar that holds mementos and photos of all our loved ones lost, from within and beyond our community. This year, as we continue to process the grief of the pandemic, we honor that we have that same need: to connect and share stories and mementos of the loved ones we miss so dearly, and carry with us through all our…

“God Laughs” Message Series Resource Guide

The old Yiddish proverb – “We plan, God laughs” – feels too relatable, these days. Information shifts, new crises erupt, and so much of what we look forward to keeps slipping through our open hands. How can we find peace when expectations go unmet, and predictions fall apart? What promises can we trust, that don’t rely on forces outside our control – but within them? Download the resource guide

Congregational Meeting Recap

At our Congregational Meeting on June 6th, the Board of Trustees shared five goals for the coming year, introduced new Board candidates, gave an update on our finances, and more! A full recording of the meeting is available online. You can also view the individual reports on the YouTube playlist, below. The report from WellSprings’ President Chris Chepel includes details on five new congregational goals for 2021-2022. They are: Assess, strengthen, and build on WellSprings’ partnerships in the community. Test…

What’s Belonging Sunday?

Coming up on April 11th, WellSprings is celebrating a new twist on an older tradition. Introducing: Belonging Sunday! In past years, we’ve welcomed new members at a special New Member Sunday Service; usually once in the Spring and once in the Fall. This year, we’re introducing something new. We’re celebrating WellSprings membership at a special service, and we’re inviting our existing members to come meet our newest members as part of this all-ages service. Rather than offering membership twice a…

Some WellSprings Easter Treats are On the Way!

In a non-pandemic year, Easter Sunday would be marked at WellSprings by an Easter egg hunt ranging over the hills and playgrounds at The Montgomery School. YouthSpirit kids would spend a happy morning searching for hidden prizes and treats. This year – our second Easter in a pandemic – is going to look a bit different, but we’re committed to making this a charged-full experience for our young friends. Over the past few weeks, WellSpringers have contributed to a project…

Together Towards Tomorrow with Our Board

Did you know that we have congregational goals? The Board of Trustees is inviting all of you to join us at upcoming Zoom sessions (pick one), to provide input into these goals, for the coming year. We’ll provide updates on our existing goals and listen, as we all share visions for the future of our beloved community. Registration in advance is not required, but is appreciated. Click each date below, to RSVP on Realm for one of these conversations, or…

Thank You for a Successful MLK Day of Service

Well done, WellSprings! Thanks to your generosity, our team was able to donate hundreds of much needed items to Media Fellowship House. Over the last week, WellSpringers dropped off essentials like diapers, laundry detergent, hand soap, and shampoo at three different locations. WellSpringers also donated a total of $825; all of which was put towards the purchase of more supplies. The YouthBridge Ministry along with the JusticeWorks Team organized this event, which benefitted organizations such as Pathways CFF, Wesley House,…

“Coming Home” Our Winter Message Series

Even when we feel like we are going nowhere, we are always in an astonishing place: right here, at home, in our bodies. There are many ways to stop and pause, and feel our way back to this present, embodied moment – and an abiding, enduring spiritual practice gives us the ability to find peace and presence, no matter where we are. This Winter, we’ll “test drive” a spiritual practice together in worship each week, with hopes that all of…

End of Year Ask from the Generosity & Gratitude Ministry

As this unprecedented year nears its end, the Generosity and Gratitude Ministry would like to know: What are you grateful for at WellSprings?  Here’s what we’re asking:  Answer the question. Take your answer and compress it down to a quick 5-second answer. Record what you’re grateful for about WellSprings as video. It would be best if you did it in landscape mode, so the video is horizontal, but we’ll accept vertical videos, too. And in your delivery, give it a little…

Our Holiday Message Series: “How to Be Afraid”

The writer Audre Lorde once said, “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” As the Fall season turns to Winter this year, so many of us are coping with helplessness, fear, and dissatisfaction with what is – alongside anxious hope, for the future. The shape of our world in years to come always depends on what we do in the…