Community (Page 3)

Community (Page 3)

Fall Message Series: “The Cloud Over Everything”

This Sunday, Rev. Ken begins our new message series for Fall: “The Cloud Over Everything.” With little warning, 2020 brought us loss upon loss. Grief is among the most reliable of human experiences, yet it’s rarely discussed in the open – or held and healed in common. In our Fall message series, we’ll explore how to cope with grief, and move through some of its best-known qualities like anger, sadness, denial, bargaining, and acceptance. We’ll gather under the cloud and look up, remembering that…

WellSprings Canned Food Drive

Our HeartWorks Team is running a canned food drive, with a social distancing twist. Shop when you can, buy what you can, and drop off at a local food bank of your choice. Here’s the complete message from HeartWorks: HELP DONATE CANNED FOOD AND NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS THROUGH THE MONTH OF AUGUST                              Goal:  A Community Food & Fundraising effort to support people facing hunger and the food banks who help them.  [thermometer] So far we have raised $[therm_r] towards our $[therm_t] target! That’s [therm_%] of…

Congratulations, WellSprings Graduates!

Celebrating our graduates of all ages!  Cameron Howe (Burke-Howe family) – graduated from Henderson High School, attending Edinboro University of Pennsylvania to study animation in the fall, and recipient of Presidential and Honors scholarships.  Will and Dan Geary (Geary family) – both graduated from 8th grade at Montgomery School, attending Henderson High School in the fall.  Alexander Floyd (Floyd family) – graduated from Downingtown East High School, attending University of Salisbury in Maryland as a recruited soccer athlete in the fall.  Katherine Floyd…

Gifts for Chester County Futures’ Grads

Despite graduations postponed and senior years disrupted, our long time community partner, Chester County Futures (CCF), has continued to provide services to teens in our community. As part of this ongoing initiative, CCF planned to deliver a gift filled with goodies to each graduating senior, as they move on to their next endeavors. Our goal was twofold: 1. Provide every CCF senior (that’s 47 young adults) with a $20 gift card.2. Provide every CCF senior with a handmade graduation card.…

Interfaith Action Community’s Response to the Murder of George Floyd

WellSprings is proud to join with our neighboring faith communities today, signing on in support of the words below… The Interfaith Action Community (IAC) is a grassroots organization in Chester County, PA with a mission inspired by all our different faith traditions. We stand with communities of color and against all civic, societal, cultural, governmental, or religious policies, laws, and practices that maintain systemic racism and the myth of white supremacy. We add our voices to the call for justice…

An Update as PA Moves Forward

This Friday, June 5th, Chester and surrounding area counties are all slated to move into the “Yellow” phase of Pennsylvania’s re-opening plan. This means that some WellSprings members may see retail shops re-opening in their area, may be re-adjusting to some form of in-person work, facing new decisions about child care and summer camps – or perhaps, just making some shifts to their own social behaviors – as the stay-at-home order is lifted.  At this time, WellSprings plans to continue our current…

Here’s How to Connect with WellSprings Online Each Week

We’re all adapting, adjusting, and reaching out in new ways these days. Here at WellSprings, we want to make sure you know how to connect with us. There are options to gather together with our community, from home, four days each week. Here’s how and where you can find us. Sundays 9 AM YOUTH SPIRIT ON ZOOM. Carol Breslin and our Mentors host an interactive time for connection, split into smaller groups by age when possible. Click this link to…

WellSprings HeartWorks Team Delivers Care Packages to Six Local Nursing Homes

We know that long-term and congregate care facilities have been especially hard-hit by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. With this in mind, the WellSprings HeartWorks Team came up with a way to help show our appreciation to the workers on the front lines, caring for some of our most vulnerable neighbors. The call went out for donations, and within four hours, the HeartWorks Team had received everything they needed to create care packages for the workers at local nursing homes. These included…

Mother’s Day Virtual Food Drive with the Interfaith Action Community

WellSprings Congregation is a proud member of the Interfaith Action Community of Chester County. We come from religious backgrounds such as Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hindu, Islam, Baha’i, and of course, Unitarian Universalism. Each of our religious traditions values charity, and instructs us to help those in need. In this time of unprecedented economic disruption, more people than ever are experiencing hunger and food insecurity. In response, the IAC of Chester County invites you to donate to a virtual food drive…

New Message Series: “Love the Hell Out of This World”

This Sunday, Rev. Ken begins our new message series for May: “Love the Hell Out of this World.” WellSprings’ spiritual heritage comes from two distinct traditions – Unitarianism and Universalism – that merged halfway through the last century. From Universalism, we take the belief that this whole world, and everyone in it, is worth saving. No exceptions. A faith that believes in the belovedness of all people is especially important, in these difficult days. How do we live out this faith with…

(Digital) Coffee with Rev. Lee

Before we began physically social-distancing, Rev. Lee would host open hours twice a week at local coffee shops, over lunchtime. Whomever wanted to drop by was welcome – all could get to know each other, and have a consistent time and place to find Rev. Lee. Obviously, our current situation means WellSpringers won’t be meeting up in person now, but Rev. Lee is making space for us to gather with her, and with each other, in other ways. On Tuesdays,…

Join a Campfire…

In her message on March 22nd, Rev. Lee spoke about “digital campfires” – small group communities with a common center, that gather across great distances. With all the uncertainty around us and ahead of us today, we’d like to try creating a few virtual “Campfire” circles within WellSprings, for anyone who wants a little company, and support, from afar. Campfires will be small groups of 5-8 people who commit to check in with each other, all through the time that…